Archiv von Juli, 2015

Microsoft Outlook users store in Exchange Server’s contact folders addresses. This can be done in a personal mailbox, in a shared mailbox or in a Public Folder. While contacts from the personal mailbox will be often synchronized to the Windows Phones and other targets by Microsoft ActiveSync, the contacts of other mailboxes and Public Folders … WeiterlesenBest Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Contact Folders to your Windows Phones The post Best Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Contact Folders to your Weiterlesen

Microsoft Outlook users store in Exchange Server’s contact folders addresses. This can be done in a personal mailbox, in a shared mailbox or in a Public Folder. While contacts from the personal mailbox will be often synchronized to the Mac OS X Addressbook and other targets by Microsoft ActiveSync, the contacts of other mailboxes and … WeiterlesenBest Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Contact Folders to your Apple Mac OS X Addressbooks The post Best Practice: How to synchronize Exchange Contact Weiterlesen

Eine extreme Woche geht zu Ende. Am letzten Montag starb mit dem 26jährigen Gianluca der vierte Radfahrer in unserer Stadt in diesem Jahr. Er wurde als Unbeteiligter durch ein außer Kontrolle geratenes illegales Autorennen vor gut einer Woche lebensgefährlich verletzt … Weiterlesen →

With PeopleSync, teams within an organization have the ability to share their address books amongst themselves. For example, the Marketing team will be able to collect the address data with agencies, they work with, in a shared address book. With PeopleSync they can easily share the address book within their group. They may either subscribe … WeiterlesenShare an Address Book with Your Team The post Share an Address Book with Your Team appeared first on messageconcept GmbH.